Ligeia by Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe Abridged by James Gray

1 year ago

This is an excerpt from Edgar Allan Poe's Ligeia read by Jame Gray. If you like this please like, share, subscribe and we will make more of them for you. like gothic poetry and other Literature.

How Edgar Allan Poe became the darling of the maligned and misunderstood,
Edgar Allan Poe, who would have turned 214 years old on Jan. 19, 2023, remains one of the world’s most recognizable and popular literary figures.

His face – with its sunken eyes, enormous forehead and disheveled black hair – adorns tote bags, coffee mugs, T-shirts and lunch boxes. He appears as a meme, either sporting a popped collar and aviator shades as Edgar Allan Bro, or riffing on “Bohemian Rhapsody” by muttering, “I’m just Poe boy, nobody loves me” as a raven on his shoulder adds, “He’s just a Poe boy from a Poe family.”

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from an early age, I was obsessed by death. Cursed with a short temper, I was the sort of child who would storm off to my room when angry, where, lying on my bed, I would pass the time imagining my funeral and how devastated my family would be by my premature death.

Poetry is alive! Just you listen to the well cleaner
This is the week the world forgets daily pains and chooses to celebrate poetry. This art, based on creativity of the mind, the six senses and beautiful words spoken, hummed, written or chanted, is one of the oldest forms of human heritage.

Monday March the 21st marked the 23rd edition of the global celebration of World Poetry Day.

Hope springs eternal with these 10 New England reads
We’ve all heard it before: Spring is a time for rebirth, a refresh, a reset. During our spring cleaning, we dust off the cobwebs of our minds and open ourselves up to new possibilities. But wherever there’s a cliche, there’s a kernel of truth, and these New England books and authors are no exception. Select one of these fresh new titles to settle in and read after you open your windows to breathe in that fresh spring air. not porn

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