Grizzly and Elise Discuss Cryptids, UFO’s, Remote Viewing…

2 years ago

Her picture as she is out in the rain. Growing up, Elise was painfully shy and lonely. In elementary school, she sat in the back of the class with her long brown hair hanging over her face and read fantasy novels. She dreamt about a different life where magic and true love were real, but she didn't believe they were. Raised in a secular household, she was raised with the belief that the world was physical reality and nothing more. In high school, she began to question that premise after researching CIA/DOD remote viewing programs and UFO encounters. Even after witnessing UFOs for herself, however, she couldn't reconcile this with her upbringing and she kept the phenomenon mentally shelved in a box of other quirky unknowns, never to be fully unpacked. Meanwhile, now in college, she pushed herself continuously to overcome her crippling social anxiety. Once unable to make a phone call to schedule an appointment without crippling fear, she now sought out uncomfortable social situations regularly to desensitize herself. She made friends, lost friends, and was still ultimately alone- going through years of nearly complete isolation. It was her worst fear made manifest.

After graduating from college, she found a job in a new city and things started getting better. She made a good female friend and fell into a group of friends based around a bookstore. Her job was monotonous, so she started listening to podcasts and old episodes of Coast-to-Coast AM to pass the time. This reignited her interest in the paranormal, and it turned out that her new friend, who was as intellectual and scientific as herself, wholly believed in UFOs and cryptids. With this encouragement, she dived into UFO, remote viewing, and parapsychology research and, after seeing enough evidence that she couldn't discount, she accepted that it had to be real. This opened a door for other energetic experiences to be real as well, but she still wasn't entirely convinced. She began meditating regularly, then, on a whim, she bought a deck of tarot cards... and it is here that her story really begins. Because her unusual style of meditation enabled her to see and communicate with energetic beings. And her very normal life quickly became deeply weird.

Elise's journey starts as a quest for truth- a questioning of the fundamental aspects of reality, and the status-quo of spiritual beliefs. It turns into a test of faith as she must accept the guidance of her soul and confront her deepest fears. Ultimately, it is a love story. The narrative is centered around a deeply powerful romantic love, but, in truth, the story is about a love of life itself, about unconditional love for others, and, most importantly, about learning to love yourself even when you make mistakes. This is a story of the selflessness that accompanies true love. This is Elise's Quest for an Immaculate Heart.

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