One With The Wolves | PART 2 | Vasiliy Sarana & Wildlife of Siberia & Ukraine Source

2 years ago

The title as it was originally written was Alone With Wolves. Our video was inspired by Vasiliy Sarana & Wildlife of Siberia & Ukraine . Most of us have only ever seen these animals in photographs; we have never actually encountered them in the wild.

Usually, when we hear the word "wolf," we think of a violent, ruthless animal. But do they really operate in that manner? Or have humans mistakenly connected wolves with this stigma? To investigate the true nature of wolves, two naturalists journey to the Putorana Plateau in the most remote regions of Siberia. Here, wolves have never come into contact with people, and the surroundings are truly wild and secluded.

Naturalists will spend nine months on the Putorana Plateau, where there is a real "kingdom of wolves." Will they have the ability to observe the discreet, observant, and cautious gentlemen who live in this dangerous land? Can they establish that they are "bloodthirsty killers" notwithstanding their claims? Searching for wolves and their dens is dangerous.

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