Dr. Kent Hovind's Science Class Ep 4

2 years ago

Original title CSE 101 Class 4 ''Topic the age of the earth''

In this video Dr. Hovind goes over several points dealing with the genealogy recorded in Genesis about the first people from Adam to Noah.

Rough Video Timeline
Start Jesus Is God
6:01 When Did Death Begin?
8:02 Genealogy
17:56 Whom Did Adam's Sons Marry?
22:57 Evolutionary Mother May I Steps
33:30 Inbreeding, They Married Their Sisters!
43:00 Longevity Chart
46:40 Who Wrote Genesis?
53:06 What Happened To Shem & Noah?
59:20 Jacob
1:02:20 Very Old Neanderthal
1:05:21 Jesus Claimed....
1:09:40 Hugh Ross

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