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Introduction To Untranslated Islam | My life | Untranslated Islam #1

2 years ago

Welcome to Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef.
Episode 1: My Life
Ben gives a brief introduction of himself, including what drove him to set out to learn Arabic, some engaging stories from his time abroad, and why he is enthused to embark upon this endeavor.

He also discusses the miracle of the Quran, its impact upon a person's character, how it has been so perfectly preserved, and the importance of memorizing it verbatim in its original Arabic form.

Also, some brief tips to connect your heart to your religious lessons, and applying the benefits to your life.

Rather engaging. Sit back and Enjoy!

0:00 Intro

0:40 'Why are they crying all around me?!'- What started this Journey- Brief life roots intro...

5:15 - 'I'm a normal guy, just like you...' - Untranslated Islam

6:10 -'Let's aid one another' , as Allah has advised...

7:55 Comprehensive Wording (Jawami'ul Kalam) in the Quran

11:55 the Quran lends, rather it cultivates, humility and soft heartedness to one's character

14:30 - the Quran, Mother of all Islamic Knowledge, is the foundation .. But, you must know the Sunnah to appreciate the Quran

18:15 Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (PBUH)...Each Messenger were given their miracle based on the need of that time

21:05 - Theory - Ibn Al Qayyim said: "Every verse of the Quran is/has Tawheed/Ebaadah", ergo I propose that every verse must have something of either Love, Hope, or Fear...

25:00 - WHATEVER one has of the Quran, even if only Al- Faatihah, is a most precious jewel- if only they take the time to Excavate it

29:50 Authentic Hadith: "If you don't cry from the Quran, then Make yourself cry"... How?

31:30 - People of the past learned Islamic knowledge to reach in and soften their hearts, not for just study and memorization

35:50 - Brief Life Story: Learning balance and who you are in life

41:45 - Lived a whole life before this

43:05 - Brief Life Story- Last verse of Surah Al-Kahf {Say: Verily, I am only a man, just like you all...} How I learned it...

Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives.

Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity.
(☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah)

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