Old Tom and Jerry cartoons are hysterical

2 years ago

Old Tom and Jerry cartoons are hysterical. They are also very violent. Over the years made more politically correct and as a result more dull. In the early days of the cartoon around the 1949’s, children had a lot of shows that were not politically correct. But children themselves were often well behaved. Today all the shows are politically correct and rather than fights people talk about feelings. Yet for all of this children today are extremely violent. The result of all this bland politically correct tv seems to have produced children full of rage and hate. It is only a few weeks ago where in a Scottish school a girl is kicking another girl in the head. The teach and other pupils act as if this was normal. In other clips huge gangs of children in London and Manchester raid shops, and the public act as if this happens each day. Perhaps politically correctness rather than improve society has made things dreadful.

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