Pentagon leak interview - Anunnaki is here now!

1 year ago

Pentagon leak interview - Anunnaki is here now!
Pentagon Secret - The #Annunaki Are Returning. The Anunnaki may be returning to Earth according to one recent interview from a man with insider Pentagon sources. According to #StanDeyo, the buzzword around the Pentagon is that the #Sumerian (g)ods are returning back to Earth. Anunnaki Ties to Comets #ISON and #Encke With two well-known celestial objects on the horizon, one must question why the comets ISON and Encke were given those particular names. The word “on” is associated with the word An (pronounced “on”), as in Anunnaki, and one of their leaders, #Anu (ON-nu). The prefix for ISON would be IS, as in Isis who is the same character in folklore as #Inanna and the Sumerian Goddess, #Ishtar. So, if you separate the word ISON to become IS + ON, you get Ishtar, of the Anunnaki. Comet Encke is much more obvious to those who have studied the Anunnaki. #Enki (as in comet Encke) was a Sumerian god who was later referred to as #Ea (as in why our planet is called #EArth). Enki was the deity of crafts, mischief, water, seawater, lake water, intelligence, and creation. Regardless of how this plays out, people are awakening to the tyranny and oppression of all governments and are realizing that our current ways of life are unsustainable through fiat currency and our current economic slave system. In total, there may be several thousand world leaders who are keeping us all in economic slavery while knowingly polluting our water, air, and food supplies. The mainstream media continues to play the fear card as well as crank out as much state-sponsored propaganda as possible. We can all rise above this and it could literally happen overnight but first, the bottom of the pyramid (ALL of us) must unite. We can no longer tolerate the hatred of other countries, ethnicities, or races because this is what keeps us from advancing as a civilization. #4biddenknowledge

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