Weekend Edition 21: Barely Legal... lol like Google

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1 year ago

WE 21-1: Google Legal Jeopardy
Google lost a case in India which is forcing it to back off of Android in that country, where 97% of mobile devices are Android based. What did the case force Google to do?
· Allow users to pick their default search engine in Android
· Loosen its grip on the necks of OEMs
o Developers and OEMs can now license individual apps rather than the whole suite of GAPPs
This is huge, if India can make them do this, then perhaps the hegemony of woketardedness can be broken after all. Hallelujah! Let’s roll, Boys! Make these clowns pay for the slimy shit they pull on us through their licensing agreements. According to Google, the Indian regulator that slapped them with this suit simply copy – pasted from the EU’s order last year. So what? If it works, and is legal, slap them as many times as possible, break their monopoly and the practices which created it, then burn them with FIRE. Make suchan example of them that no other US IC front company ever tries this bullshit again. Sure, in business, you want to get to the heights which Google has achieved and to have the power & resources to smash or acquire any other start-ups that could threaten you, but there has to be a certain level of ethics involved, right? At least for me, there does. That is something that won’t change, no matter how much I grow in the future. I’m never going to pull a Google and change my motto. My reason for being in this business is to raise awareness and to help as many people get away from the evil service-cum-spyware companies which sell you as the product, then embrace/extinguish any company which could provide a viable competitor. I am far too FOSS-minded to ever pull those sorts of shenanigans.
As for the US, Google is dealing with a similar antitrust suit from the USDOJ. Some think that the DOJ will have a hard row to hoe here to prove that Google’s practices around its ad business are actually harmful to competitors and consumers, but I doubt it. I’m waiting in glee to see Google get slapped again, as doing so is actually backhanding the deep state, as I believe that Google is not only in bed with the Feds (along with Meta and Twitter), but is actually an arm of the CIA. Just my hunch, though.

WE 21-2: Guess Who’s Back, Back Again? Trump’s Back, Tell Your Simpering Woketard Acquaintances
Welp, it happened. Meta has reinstated Trump’s accounts across their platforms. So much drama. So much fury and empty bluster. So many REEEEEEEEE’s. Mmmmm, salty Woketard tears. Ok, enough bravado. What is actually happening here? Why would he want to return there, if he has Truth Social, and has chosen to stay from tweeting as well?
Ok, so he might want to take advantage of this for the sake of the fact that he is running for the White House again, and will probably need the boost of its 3 Billion active users in order to get his message out more readily. Given, many things have changed since 2020, but completely ignoring a platform like that during what is sure to be a hotly contested (fraudulent) (s)election again, might be a big mistake.
Breathe, you woke nincompoops, breathe. You likely have another 5 months until you have to shelter in place in your safe spaces to stay clear of the Bad, Orange Man who so hurts your feelings so inconsiderately (because the media and the establishment have told you to be offended by that with which you disagree, also known as what [they] tell you to be offended by). It is unlikely, as I said last week, that he will start posting on either Meta platforms or on Twitter until his exclusivity agreement with Truth Social is up in June.

WE 21-3: Big Tech Workers Woes
I do not glory in the misfortune of other human beings (individuals). However, I find it hilarious that these formerly untouchable tech mega corps are being knocked down a few pegs by the economics of the current time, which they helped to create, mind you. How did they create it? By blasting the COnvid propaganda fed them by the Deep State, of course, then partnering with them to shut down common sense ideas and solutions, so that the only option was LockDown, masks, and the clotshot, rather than ivermectin, HCQ, reasonable restrictions, and something closer to life as usual. Instead, they chose to shut all that down, whether through “fact checking” or “misinformation” labels, or shadow banning, or outright disabling accounts. I think that on some level, all of us have been affected by these gestapo tactics. Whether monetarily (employment, sales through the floor) or being less able to access accurate information to make better choices for yourself and your loved ones, we’ve all been radically injured by their lack of moral fiber. These employees were mostly drones who made no real policy decisions, other than pressing buttons their tender hearts and company policies dictate they must, at least from what I can tell. The companies are receiving their just desserts, as I see it. The people who are losing and have lost their jobs in this techbath are on the short end of the stick, but what goes around, comes around. Hopefully this lesson in the real world will serve them well, and they aren’t completely braindead after their indoctrinations in school, then at work.

WE 21.4: Big Tech in Trouble?
Color me shocked. Twitter is getting sued in Germany for failing to swiftly remove wrongthink from its platform. The content in question is illegal there (that is a whole other ball of wax that I do not have the time or desire to melt right now), on top of it breaking Twitter’s own TOS, apparently, so the European Union of Jewish Students has brought suit over their perceived emotional damage suffered due to these tweets not being removed in a timely manner. What were these offensive tweets about? Holocaust denial and antisemitic attacks. There were a total of 6 tweets at fault. Judging by the laws being put in place by both Germany and the UK around these issues, I think Musk and Twitter are very likely to get smacked by a heavy fine, if not worse, as these are blatant violations of their law, as well as Twitter’s own stated guidelines and TOS. Not much more to say on that. I think it is time to game just a little bit, now.

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