Gang-stalking in Action : The TikTok Edition on YouTube

1 year ago

Live videos depicting instances of gang-stalking experienced by me, your host, E. I. Smith. All of the videos will be derived from my TikTok page.


The United States of America is a congressional disaster. Over the past 60 years, it has legitimized countless murderous assignments, namely earmarks, endangering the citizens of this country, their freedoms and their lives.

This country is a vassal state of various interests trying to control it with these earmarked legislative assignments, which are regulations that Congress or the people have never knowingly voted on. These earmarks carry the full power of a law, and can make your life worse, without you ever realizing it.

Gang chase is a direct result of national security, infrastructure, and other affected earmarked funding schemes, sneaking out of the sight of the congressional representatives who signed it, and the judgment and willpower of the American people, who don't know that it exists as a legitimate item. Because the program, known as gang chasing, operates through a variety of harassment, intimidations, vehicle attacks, and other violent or murderous mechanisms, the passing of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal government guilty of criminally state-sanctioned murder.

The gang-harassment-induced (gangstalking) programs and designated or derived personal disasters are the result of several conjectures that have found their way into multiple congressional budgets, national security bills, and other federal, state, and local legislation.

The bills are thousands of pages long and contain malicious inserts that most politicians never read or hear of, that threaten to destroy the fabric of American society, end its democracy, and invalidate its status as a constitutional republic.

Gang chase was conceived by ill-bred clowns who didn't like the direction the country was going in socially or economically and decided to set up a shadow government and shadow army which constitutes the gangstalkers themselves.

The orchestrators of gang-stalking realized their crazed ambitions for a crazed annihilationist America through federal, state, local American legislatures via the stealth/insert/earmark mechanism.

Those targeted, myself included, took our experience with this incendiary program and its disruptive and highly intrusive nature very seriously.

Line-item vetoes are the only way to destroy this monstrous and unconstitutional harassment protocol known as gang chasing or gang harassment.

The US government has committed state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned murders are part of the pervasive gang-harassment program that operates through the American Society.

The gang-stalking is the result of thousands of congressional appropriations (secretly hidden legislative and statutory provisions) passed by the congressional legislature and incorporated into US law.

Gang chase is the mobilization, commissioning, and targeting of [those who have been deployed in gang stalking activity in their lifetime] by U.S. citizens as part of their daily activities.

Gangstalkers are responsible for derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly confrontations with police ( stemming from fake 911 calls), all of which are used as weapons against targeted individuals.

Since gang stalking is a global scourge, these dramas happen all over the world.

You are correct that in other countries the laws and regulations seem to allow gang-stalking by thugs causing community bullying/harassment and workplace bullying/mobbing in the US.

The only way to defeat gangstalking is to hold the US Congress accountable. Since September 11, 2001, hundreds of thousands of appropriations secretly voted by Congress have appeared in the National Security Act and throughout the Budget and Infrastructure Act.

Calling the gangstalkers treacherous, unconstitutional, or corrupt is an understatement. The gangstalking campaign betrayed the public trust and mocked the legislative process used by Congress since the 18th century.

gang chasing has a [follow the money] factor, and gangstalking masterminds profit from slaughter, chaos, and anarchy.

The United States legal Code no longer represents constitutional values. America is not a democracy. The United States is not a constitutional republic.

The United States is a client state and a legislative virtual machine that can be manipulated by malicious third parties using affectation mechanisms.

earmarks are a #stipulation and sometimes #wasteful

or #harmful, sometimes #unconstitutional, which was inserted onto #Congressionial bills.

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