Who are They and What are They Vinny Epic Speech

1 year ago

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This Speech done by Vinny in 2010 was Epic but ignored by the main stream media and the alternate media. There were politicians there that day that made there speeches, but none of them mentioned the Banking FRAUD, the corruption. and there speeches were on main stream and alternate media propaganda .

The major banking system is a fraud against the people of the planet. The people are becoming more aware of the issues we're facing regarding the Keynesian economics, the fiat money system and the invisible tax of inflation.

Those who manipulate the population do so with great cunning and have put forth considerable resources towards co-opting EVERY ,PROTEST , RALLY, CONVOY movement. Consider the following:

a) Every movement has been highly publicized in mainstream media and the alternate media which is the same owners which is run by the criminal banking elitists.

b) the use of neuro-linguistic-programming is being used with something called the "human microphone", where the crowd is encouraged to repeat short sentences or one liners example "chanting Freedom" or " Just Say No' or No New Normal " , or " Indigenous People" , or " Democracy" to create a "HIVE MIND" ! So many people become followers rather than critical thinkers! "hypnotised Robots" Go along to get along" to Conform!

c) the use of hand signs to facilitate group "consensus" (including a pyramid hand sign to indicate a point of "procedure" is in order).

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