Senate denied access to docs; Paul Pelosi attack video; Post Booster Stroke Reason; Huge ESG Lawsuit

1 year ago

The U.S. National Intelligence has declined to provide the Senate Intelligence Committee with the contents of Biden's classified documents. It also did not give the contents of classified documents confiscated from Trump's residence. And this has drawn the ire of Senators from both parties.
Video footage of the attack on Pelosi's husband will be released today. The judge ordered this after several media organizations jointly applied to the court.
A relatively high ischemic stroke rate occurs within 21 days of receiving a bivalent Pfizer booster in people 65 or older. And here is the reason that the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee concluded.
Canada joined the U.S. and Germany in sending main battle tanks to Ukraine.
So, Russia has increased its bombing efforts to express its dissatisfaction with the West for providing tanks to Ukraine. The Russo-Ukraine war is consuming a lot of money and resources.

Twenty-five state governments have joined to sue the Biden administration for changed pension investment policies that allow 401(k) managers to invest their clients' money in uneconomic ESG funds. Once the new policy is implemented, not only will the American public suffer, but state governments will also lose out on tax revenue.

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