The Hope Hotline | S01-E04 | 01-27-23

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Question #1
Can you discuss the ways to speak to God? Does it always have to be through prayer and closed out in the name of Jesus? Can you just talk to him? Does it need to be out loud or can you speak to him silently?

Question #2
I have been watching, learning, and studying since I found Foundation Church during the pandemic. This is so different from the way I was raised as a 7th Day Adventist. My grandfather was a minister. I fell away from the church in my high school years. I’ve always believed, I just felt it was not always right what they taught. I felt called to Foundation Church even though I don’t live in Florida. I watch podcasts and Sunday Church. I wanted to find a church like Foundation in my area. After some research I found one similar and have started attending. I have not yet received the ability to speak in tongues, but I believe it will come. My mother who was raised 7th Day Adventist says that it is of the devil to speak in tongues because that is what they are taught. How can I explain or help her to understand speaking in tongues is not of the Devil?

Question #3
I sing in a 70’s and 80’s classic rock band. I am torn as to whether I should quit it or not? I am not sure who that is viewed by our God. I do make money in the band, and I do tithe off of that money as well as my full-time day job. How can I know if I should quit? I have asked God to lead me to that decision, but nothing has transpired for me yet.

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