The Constructive Liberty Podcast - 15 Ways to Overcome Fear

1 year ago

15 Insights To Overcome Your Fears, Doubts And Apprehensions Of Working On Yourself
1 Live With Purpose

If there is one way to override doubt, fear, and apprehension it's with purpose. Your doubt might actually be a symptom of your lack of purpose. The why of what you do is important because the why is what provides you with momentum. If you hone in on that this will help you weather any rough road you encounter.

From here on out, when you feel self-doubt creeping in, check your purpose. Fear, doubt, and apprehension can be crippling. To start overcoming yours, find your purpose, determine your values, and get to know yourself.

That's part of the personal development process, but it's also something you can start separately from self-improvement. That process should help you ease some of those doubts and fears you feel about personal development.

2 Your Inner Circle Matters

Who do you spend the majority of your time with? The company you keep can heavily influence you, whether that is positive or negative. If you spend your time with Debbie Downers, then there's a good chance you are going to turn into something of a Debbie Downer yourself. If you are constantly surrounded by Positive Pattys, then it stands to reason you will also start being a more positive person.

Moods are contagious. Think about it. Have you ever worked somewhere that everyone is on tenterhooks waiting to see what mood the boss is in? If they breeze in with a good morning everyone breathes a sigh of relief and it's a normal day. If they storm in with a face of thunder the mood in the entire building shifts.

Your inner circle has that much sway with you and if they are negative, miserable, or unkind, then they are going to stimulate those fears, doubts, and apprehensions you feel about personal development. Moreover, they might want to hold you back because they won't want to be left behind by your growth.

What you want in your inner circle is people who lift you up, encourage you, motivate you, pick you up, brush you off, and run alongside you cheering you on when you need it most.

Nothing is more important to your journey to overcoming fear, doubt, and apprehension than a strong social network that will support you through anything. It isn't a one-way street, of course, you should be that kind of person to your inner circle as well.

Strong, positive relationships are important so nurture them. Those are the people who will be with you always and it's beneficial to both your personal development and your mental health to take care of those relationships.

3 Avoid Making Comparisons

You cannot rely on other people to make your decisions, nor can you expect them to steer you in the right direction. The only person who knows which direction is right for you is you. Your personal development journey is your own and only you know what is right for you.

With that being said, you cannot grow by making comparisons. It doesn't matter what your next-door neighbor is doing. It doesn't matter what your siblings, best friends, or arch-nemesis is up to either.

Their judgment of you does not matter, their accomplishments do not matter, and if you think they do you will always feel inadequate. That inadequacy will immerse you in fear, doubt, and apprehension, and with those weighing you down, how will you...

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