The Resurrection of Netflix ~ Bringing Truth Back to the Mainstream...

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The Resurrection of Netflix ~ Bringing Truth Back to the Mainstream...

5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST, 1:30am UK Time, 3:30am SAST, 11:30am Sydney Australia, 1:30pm Wellington NZ

Colleen and I will be LIVE tonight with an incredible show that focuses on the massive transformation of Netflix over the last 9 years, but in particular, ever since Trump’s Victory in the 2016 Presidential Election…and as things stand right now, Netflix has literally done a 180 degree turn of events as to what they are now providing the Masses of the Mainstream...

Throughout the show tonight, we will be focusing upon Key Series and Key Movies that have really Defined what is happening in this World right now, and how this PROVES that the Cabal are no longer in charge of anything…Netflix, with Series like Blacklist, Manifest, Messiah, Lucifer, Wednesday, Designated Survivor, The Order, etc…are not only showing the Truth of our Reality right now, but thru this Multi-Season Series, they are RE-Programming the Fractured, MK-Ultra’d Minds of the Masses, back towards Care, Compassion, Sympathy, Empathy and Kindness…away from Religion and Blind Judgment, while rushing towards Innerstanding thru Caring, Patience and Tolerance, while showing ALL of us that no matter how fallen we are, it is NEVER TOO LATE to start doing what is RIGHT in any given moment, Regardless of the Cost, as Evil is only ever allowed to exist by the tolerance of Good Men and Wombmen, who are too Afraid or too Lazy to challenge its presence, and to wipe it out, by standing up for what is RIGHT, for what is DECENT, for what is KIND…

We must All begin to learn again, to do what is RIGHT in all Moments, NOT what is Easy...

So, make sure you join us for this MAGICAL show tonight, as you will be blown away by all that is revealed and the connections that we make...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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