Vision Board for Ideal Job

2 years ago

Create a vision board for your ideal position. This is a wonderful way to activate your creative juices.
#careervisionboard #visionboard #visionboardforcareer
#activaterightsideofbrain #creativitysolution #brainstormingseries #creativityinvitesintuition #intuition
These questions will help you create the vision board.
Where would you work?
Who would you work for?
What industry/field?
What would this job allow you to do?
How would it feel to have this ideal job? This part is really important; if you can't feel it yet, look at what your are missing? Is it a skill set you need before moving into your dream job? No problem, now days there are unlimited resources to learn something new.
As you complete your vision board, trust your intuition and again, bring in creativity, use anything you want on your board.
Choose images that speak to you; maybe it is a color or abstract image brings up something, use it. Colors often speak to me for instance.

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