Ocarina of Time - Dampe’s Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour mini-game

2 years ago

In Ocarina of Time, Dampé is the gravekeeper of the Kakariko Village Graveyard. During Link's childhood, Dampé can be found patrolling the graveyard at night and starts his own Gravedigging Tour, upon request for 10 Rupees, he will begin digging up anything from Rupees to a Heart Piece that Link can pick up.

Play Dampe’s Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour mini-game. While there are rupee rewards, the main objective is to collect a heart piece

This is an annoying little mini-game. Not only is it a waste of money, but you have to be there at a specific time (between 18:00 and 21:00). You can hang around Hyrule Field to pass the time, and speak with the guard at the entrance to Kakariko to figure out what time it currently is. Fortunately, immediately after getting the Sun’s Song, it has changed to night time and it falls perfectly in the time slot where you can acquire this heart piece.

When you do find Dampe in the Graveyard, you can pay him to dig up the ground to hopefully get a snazzy prize. The locations of the prizes are random each time, so it’ll be different each time you enter the area. Just keep trying till you get the best prize, Piece of Heart. Use the map on the right to figure out where the soft soil locations are.

While it is random as to what you’ll find get each time Dampe digs up a soil spot, there is a 10% chance you will get a Heart Piece with each Dig. However, you are guaranteed to find the heart in 1 of the first 15 soil locations that Dampe digs up. At 10 rupees per dig, this could get pricey. However, Dampe regularly digs up Rupees for you to collect. If you don’t get it now, no worries, just make note of it and come back when you have more money. Trust me, your wallet will regularly be filled throughout your quest as rupees are very abundant.

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