BUCHENWALD A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil

2 years ago

Dean Irebodd: Buchenwald—A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil.

The liberation of the German war-time concentration camp at Buchenwald presented an opportunity for an Allied Psyche Warfare operation meant to denazify the Germans via atrocity stories. The person in charge reported directly to Eisenhower, so it was coordinated from higher up. But this operation "blew back" into USA media, which is why Americans remember growing up hearing stories of lampshades made of the skin of murdered inmates. President Barack Obama visiting in June 2009 showed that everyone is still misled.

The first edition of "Buchenwald" was released in August 2008. It has been pointed out correctly that the part in the video about DDT and the Germans knowing about DDT is somewhat inaccurate. Besides that, as of March 2012, no one, including any history professor, has attempted to refute any aspect of the video.

A 2 hour and 22 minute movie, in 22 episodes:

Human Skin Lampshade
The Director
Shrunken Heads
Tattooed Skin Taken From Bodies
Ilse Koch Anachronistic Problem
Moral High Ground or Ethno-Genetic Strategy?
A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History
Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie
Why America Believes In The Holocaust
Understanding The Piles Of Bodies
USA, Britain Caused Way More Starvation Deaths Than Nazis
Eisenhower's Holocaust Hoax Strategy
For Eisenhower, The Holocaust Myth Was An Incoming Popularity Coup, And The "Military Industrial Complex" Speech Was An Outgoing Popularity Coup
People's Thinking Wants To Evolve Beyond Good Guys Fighting Bad Guys, But The Holocaust Myth Gets In The Way
Using Dead Bodies To Frame The Nazis And Justify World War II
Psyche Warfare's Flawed Strategy: Using The Pfaffenberger Affidavit
Objects Planted By Psyche Warfare End Up As Nuremberg Trial Evidence
The Same Americans Who Helped Create The Holocaust Myth, Then Went On To Create The Cold War
Proof That Psyche Warfare Worked With The New York Times To Promote The Holocaust Myth
Buchenwald Executions
A Scriptwriter's Great Idea: Baking Ovens To Cremation Ovens
Militarism Needs The Holocaust Myth
2nd, revised edition, released in November 2009


Holocaust Reading List
*American Pravda Holocaust Denial Unz
*Debating Holocaust New Look at Both
*Did Six Million Really Die R Harwood
*Dissecting the Holocaust G Rudolf
*First Holocaust Origin Heddesheimer
*Hoax Twentieth Century Arthur Butz
*Holocaust Encyclopedia G Rudolf
*Holocaust Handbook Series G Rudolf
*Holocaust Hoax Exposed Victor Thorn
*Holocaust Industry Norman Finkelstein
*Holocaust Narrative E Michael Jones
*Holocaust Victims Accuse M Shonfeld
*IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black
*Ireland 1845-1850 Perfect Holocaust
*The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition
*The Secret Holocaust Eustace Mullins
*Six Million Fact or Fiction Peter Winter
*Trotsky’s White Negroes Censored
*Unmasking Angel Death David Marwell

Military/Soldier/War Reading List
*Apocalypse 1945: Destruction Dresden
*Atomic Bomb Secrets David J Dionisi
*The Bad War Truth Never Taught
*The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
*Churchill, Hitler Unnecessary War
*Conduct Unbecoming Gays Lesbians
*Clash Civilizations Remaking World
*Day of Deceit Truth About FDR
*Devil's Game United States Helped
*Enough Already Time End War on
*Final Secret of Pearl Harbor Theobald
*Gruesome Harvest Costly Attempt
*Hitler's War by David Irving
*Jewish War Flavius Josephus
*Military Mind Control Story Trauma
*Military Necessity Homosexuality
*Neo-Conned Just War Principles
*Our Bodies Their Battlefields War
*Swords into Plowshares Ron Paul
*Vaccine A Covert Government
*War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
*The War on Terror The Plot to Rule
*What Soldiers Do Sex and the GI
*Where Men Win Glory J Krakauer

Buchenwald Dumb Portrayal (2:21:03)

General Patton Life Legacy (1:41:25)

War and Deception (1:52:45)

Military/Soldier/War Odysee Playlist

Military/Soldier/War Rumble Playlist

Military/Soldier/War YouTube Playlist

Powers Principalities Holocaust Denial




Victims of Holocaust Terrorism

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