Get out of your Comfort Zone Now Before you Regret Everything

1 year ago

It’s time, you’ve been in your comfort zone, to long now. It’s time for you to change. It’s time for you to, go talk to that pretty girl. It’s time for you to go, start your own business. And by the way it don’t matter if your reading this, and you in high school. Start this shit now. If your not in high school. Good. Because now you have more of an obligation to, figure out what you want regardless of how uncomfortable it may be. And go after it. Now leaving your comfort zone, will be most uncomfortable at the start. But then after that, you start to get comfortable of being uncomfortable. And to do that. The simplest thing for you to do, is engage in small action that is uncomfortable. While being consistent. I’ll tell you this right now. Every man that has transformed themselves. Has been consistent and has started at the shallow end. You may see them at the deep end now. But. You don’t see, that they started at the shallow end and build themselves up to the deep end. You Bench 150 your not gonna go all the way to 250. Over night. Yes people have, over come the impossible. But guess what, they trained themselves to jump that far to an unreachable goal. When your trying to get to 250. You say you know what, let me build my way through the first eeek to 155lbs. Then next week, I want to build my way to 1560lbs. Then we’ll do this for 4 months and see if we, got to 250lbs which was our goal. But the key, to your success is consistency. Because consistency, is the foundation to growing anything. You look at a tree, and how it’s grown bit by bit, over decades and then 30 years. You see how tall it is. You have to be as consistent with your goals, to the point you don’t even realize, your working towards them. When you do that, 5 years later you’ll be benching 350, while those other people who only work part time on there goals. Will be stuck at 220. Choose who you want to be.

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