Super C RVing WEST to Idaho! (Goodbye Ohio) #RVLife

3 years ago

Lets go West! We decided it was time to leave Ohio, and go visit family in Idaho. This video showcases us high-tailing it to Idaho and boondocking along the way.

We first stopped at the Iowa 80 truck stop (the largest in the world!). Mike has been here in a semi many time over, but we have only had a trailer here a handful of times. it was a great pit stop. They seem to always have parking, but none of the RV parking was open. Luckily when we stopped at 2am (local) we had plenty of parking to pick from.

The next day we continued West, and we decided to stop in Western South Dakota in Wall. We visited Wall Drug and enjoyed our time there!
then it was on to Missoula Montana at the Cracker Barrel.

Finally the next stop was Lynn's brothers place in northern Idaho around Sandpoint!
Stay tuned to our next video where we showcase the week we spend in Idaho visiting family and truly enjoying the scenery.

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Until next time, See ya!

#swagnation​ #jointhepack​

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Our camera gear:

Canon XF400​
Rode Video Mic Pro+​
Canon EOS 80D​
Rode VideoMic Pro​
Joby GorillaPod​
GoPro 5 Black​
Shure MV88+ :​
iPhone 12 Pro:​

Check out the products that we use and recommend!

Check out this page from Wandering Wagner's

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