Paranormal experience with laughing ghost face over Syrian desert with PKK

1 year ago

Did David Eubank really see the face of a laughing smiling ghost over the desert in Syria, you decide, but please do so based on actual scripture, DAVID EUBANK EXPLAINS THAT IMMEDIATELY AFTER HIS CAMERAMAN AND MEDIA PROPAGANDIST MERCENARY ZHOU TSANG DIED WHILE COVERING THE KURDISTAN WORKERS PARTY CAMPAIGNS IN SYRIA TO AMASS MORE WEALTH AND USING HUMAN SHIELDS AND CHILD SOLDIERS THAT THEY HAD ABDUCTED, AND YET PORTRAYING THEMSELVES AS THE VICTIMS, HE SAW THE GHOST OF THIS MAN IN HEAVEN, MUCH LIKE MOHAMMED SAID THAT HE COULD ALSO SEE INTO THE AFTERLIFE, AND was aware of other extra terrestrial beings of a supernatural kind… David Eubank claims that he communicated with the debt and later gives his interpretation and analysis of the message that was sent. Did his cameraman really smile down from heaven and give a huge laugh? What does the Bible say about this? Sadly, this man chose to join this outfit and leave his infant and wife behind who never saw him again according to David Eubank it was all worth it, but was it? Why is the PKK really a WORTHY cause ? Was making these extremely lucrative movies and sensationalist narrative really a worthy cause enough to endanger the lives even of David Eubanks children and this exploited ethnicity?

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