Dark Horde: Warcraft 3 Struggle For Azeroth Altered Melee/Mod Let's Play

2 years ago

This is The Struggle for Azeroth Mod, a series of Custom Melee Maps for Warcraft 3 that adds naval functions and even custom factions. We say this is a mod is because multiple custom melee maps are included.

Another Custom Faction of this mod is the Dark Horde Which can be selected when playing as the Horde/Orcs, the other choice is the Western Horde which is what the basic Horde/Orcs of Warcraft 3 have been renamed to. Units include: War Turtle which can vore enemy units and can be upgraded to attack multiple air units at once, Raider which is a Orc riding a wolf, Dragon Rider which is a Orc Riding a Dragon, The Sapper explodes itself when it is used against a building, Steam Tank, Zeppelin which transports units, and Smasher, among others. Heroes include a Jujumancer which is a cunning hero who can make a shadow copy of a unit that can even attack and even give itself a shadow form, among other abilities), the Alchemist which can use a rage potion to give it increased melee damage and even "transmute" a foe into gold granting a nice resource bonus and instantly killing said foe, and the Tinker which can transform itself into a robo-goblin, use a pocket factory to build clockwerk goblins, and fire rockets over a target area. A Upgrade called Mannoroth's Fury makes the Orc units unholy, changes their unit icons and 3D models with red skin, and allows them to deal chaos damage.

The mod/map can be found on HiveWorkshop.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00 This is the Dark Horde of the Struggle for Azeroth mod, it differs somewhat from the Dark Horde and Fel Horde custom melee map I found on Hive Workshop.

1:04 Pillage allows some units to gain resources as they attack.

1:45 There's a lot of credits related reading material here relating to the Theramore Altered Melee Map

4:07 So basically the Alchemist can take Meth or something for combat.

5:52 Finally the EXP books are ready.

7:02 The Rabbit is getting in the way of our Laboratory.

7:47 The Alchemist has a ability that can turn his foes into money.

8:26 Our Allies chose the Eastern Horde Faction and they're here to help.

12:30 Drinking forbidden blood makes the Orcs unholy.

14:15 Building more burrows as we speak.

15:50 Just wanted to show you what the naval units look like, even if we won't be using them.

16:07 The Orc Unit icons are different because of the Mannoroth's Fury upgrade.

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