YouTube or Patreon? | EMERGENCY PRESS CONFERENCE/ Announcement. | Please share 🙏

2 years ago

PLEASE HELP SPREAD THIS INFORMATION. Thank you so much guys! I don't plan on going anywhere but I have to start another platform just incase. It seems youtube is really gunning to take me down. I'm being left with no choice. I will continue to upload to Youtube but I will also be uploading to Patreon! Thank you guys! I love you more than you know and I'm beyond grateful!

Join my Patreon:

#youtube #patreon #reaction #live #help #share #emergency #channel #socialmedia #platform #eminem #beatbox #boburnham #comedy #tommacdonald #ryanupchurch #harrymack #rap #singing #ren #morissetteamon #katrinavelarde #ezmil #swissbeatbox #firsttimehearing

AOD!!! We’ve gotten to 177k in a little over a year!! We accomplished more then I ever imagined and it’s all because of you! You guys are absolutely killing it! And YOU are all amazing! I love you all!! -Cliff

If you’d like to donate to help grow this channel and support The Army of Darkness (NOT REQUIRED):

Cashapp: $CliffBeats

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