How To Spot A False Flag - The Magick Rituals Behind Global Events

2 years ago

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In the truther community, the expression false flag has become common language in order to describe events that appear curious to the skeptical eye. False Flag was an expression borrowed from history. The first false flag was carried out allegedly by Hitler. Hitler needed a justification for invading Poland and decided that he needed an event to galvanize support for war. On the night of August 31st, a small group of German operatives, dressed in Polish uniforms, seized a radio station in Gleiwitz and broadcasted a short anti-German message in Polish (sources vary on the content of the message).

This event was all the justification Hitler needed.

In a modern context, the expression false flag is applied to many events that do not pass the sniff test for truthers. This includes the Oklahoma City Bombing, multiple mass shootings, and the most famous example, 9/11.

But in my opinion, there is so much more to a false flag than the manufactured public support to carry out whatever control that the elites want to have.

These events are in themselves, magic rituals. if you’re new to the world of truthers or conspiracy, the easiest way to spot a false flag is the numerology. Always, common numbers that will appear are 3, 9, 11, and 33. Also, you may see numbers that add up to the previously mentioned numbers as in numerology, you add numbers until you get a single digit. For example, a ritual false flag event may have 27 victims, 2+7= 9. The perpetrator, will have 3 names.

These numbers are used as numbers contain energy, I’ve discussed this in my other videos. Numbers contain positive, negative, and destructive energies. Energy is an essential part of a magic ritual. Whether you are charging a stone or sigil with a certain energy you want or allow the energy of a number to be used in your ritual, without directed energy, a ritual cannot happen.

What other elements are involved in a ritual.

You need a magician, a practitioner, a witch, someone who is capable to creating a ritual.

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