20170123 WEEK 7 155 min DeepState Narative/language/strategies vs being Gods soldier in the present War,battle tactics/techniques

2 years ago

0-17 min INTRO:language/backstory(narrative) of Deep State/NWo,Satan's Control as God of this World, Conqueror by Abiding and in the Spirit, a Soldier,Great Delusion & technology,Satan's plans/strategy for the church,Gods Word not a book but an interdimensional multifaceted communication tool that goes beyond space & time,wielding your Sword,importance of solid foundation during coming shaking,my testimony of the supernatural realm,Gods prophetic word a Laser,School of the Spirit,preparing for whats coming

17-30 min God who rests part 2 Focus of Reforming than informing the mind,Deep State intentions, understanding Deep State language,doublespeak,Obama is Gods Pharoah,will go through parallels soon,secret ancient tech,God's vs NWO 10 commandments

30-64 min At war & soldier for Christ,deceptions,our weapons/strategies, intimate/close combat,behaviour,tactics,Gods voice,Satans wrath,ISIS vs ISIL,wartime vs peacetime society,fortresses for the Lord in the coming future,luxery of majoring on the minors/ wasting resources/wants vs needs/ in peacetime vs wartime priorities,God appoints leaders,MSM propaganda vs alternate media,principle of mirroring,internet killswitch,Isaiah 40:12 how big God is,faith vs sight,temporal vs eternal,abiding

64-90 min News events,Soviet limitation strategies,scalar weapons,avoiding truth,condemnation before investigation,Chuck Missler,antiChrist,Ufo's,Satan's strategies/nature to duplicate what Christ did,abductions,alien nature,demons vs fallen angels-nephilim(Genesis 6),abductee mission field/ministry,predictive programming,UN/Vatican ALien involvement,Discernment origins,depopulation

90- Nature of Trump and 7's from Revelation in the News- Zach Drew, Gods Calendar vs. West calendar,Ten virgins breakdown,Gods nature/perspective,xtradimesionality of God,Obama govt,Soros soldiers/antifa,NWO battle against soveriegnty/nationalism,China and Walmart,archeological findings in Israel of temple floor,Security Council,see below link to my blog of visions/dreams: 1988 North American judgemnt dream;2006 Dream of Iran being attacked brings martial law, partial proof, 1988 Spirit outpouring flood Vision(partial proof)
Welcome to Berean Builder Ministries where we assist you as a soldier for Christ in the Eternal War of the Blood of the Savior and the Serpent. To know Who and Whose you are, preserving/protecting truth through daily walking in the Spirit, practicing situational awareness and Sword Training in an online and local community daily cultivating His Abiding Presence and His Word.
Welcome to Berean Builder Ministries where we assist you as a soldier for Christ in the Eternal War of the Savior and the Serpent. To know Who and Whose you are, preserving/protecting truth through daily walking in the Spirit, practicing situational awareness and Sword Training in an online and local community daily cultivating His Abiding Presence and His Word.
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Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq
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