The REAL Meaning of Angel Numbers & Master Numbers - What The Universe Is Telling You

1 year ago

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What is the universe trying to tell you. There’s a few theories. 1 is that your guardian angels are sending you a message. These spirit guides or angels could be deceased relatives, grandparents, etc. The other theory is that it’s a sign that your pineal gland, your minds eye is awakening. This is going to happen to a lot of people in the age of Aquarius.

When this happens to you, acknowledge it. If you see, 11:11 on your phone, especially during a time when you feel as though you need some guidance or a reminder that you’re on the right path, acknowledge it by saying, “thank you to my angel guides and the universe for this reminder”. You can also thank God, or the creator.

11 is a master number in numerology and I am going to begin discussing this most fortuitous number with you now. A person who commented on my first video left their birth date information and I discovered they were an 11 life path. If you are on an 11 life path, your life could be incredible. 11 is the master psychic, born with amazing intuitive ability, as well as potentially great athletic ability.

Famous YouTuber Logan Paul is an 11 life path, I did a video about him on my TikTok and instagram. Im going to read an excerpt from the book by the author Shirley Blackwell Lawrence and her publication The Secret Science of Numerology as she perfectly sums up the power of 11.

“The ancient temples of mystery had a pillar on either side of the en- trance looking very much like the figure 11. The one on the right is called Jachin and means, “He shall establish.” The left is called Boaz, which means, “In it is strength”

They represent the positive-negative, masculine-feminine, active- passive forces—that by walking between the two of them we bring a sense of balance into our lives. So the 11 who enters the temple by the center between the two pillars has chosen the positive, upward way. Once on the right path, his success is assured”.

Other famous 11 life paths include Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Kanye West, Gwen Stafani, Tony Robbins, and the list goes on.
11 likes to stand on its own two feet. It has the natural abilities of the 1 and is artistic, spiritual, and inspired.

All 11’s are meant to be professional people for they cannot be happy in mundane work. There are “as above numbers” and “so below numbers”. 11 is an “as above number” which means they will spiritual, intuitive, inspirational people who want to make others feel.
But like all numbers, 11 can vibrate negatively. In the case of the 11, they can be tyrannical, they want to enslave others. Their spiritual power may go to their head and this corrupts the bringer of light.

Now, you don't need an 11 life path to harness the power of the 11. The pillars are used all the time as part of occult magic. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. You can name your child with a name starting with a K.

Speaking of the letter K, Kim Kardashian is a fascinating figure in pop culture. Not only are her initials, 11:11, but all of her siblings with the exception of Kylie Jenner and her mother have those initials as well. Kim is by far the most successful sibling and in a lot of ways, built the Kardashian empire. Why is that, Kim is a 22 life path. The 22 life path is the master architect, the master builder. This can be literal, some 22 life paths are great artists, painters, architects, and engineers, but some can build brands, empires, and that’s what Kim has done for her family.

22 is a “so below” number. 22’s are not spiritual, not concerned with intuitive abilities, or being a spiritual leader. 22s are all about the material plane. They are physical builders. They want material success and also physical beauty, which is why 22s are often bodybuilders. Female bodybuilders especially will either be born on the 22nd or have 22 life path. Kim Kardashian understands this and has built many businesses and brands revolving around physical beauty. Juxtapose that with 11 life path Tony Robbins, who has built his business inspiring others.

When it comes to negative vibration, Hitler was born on the 22nd of the month. There can be an evil tendency with a 22 because of the lack of spiritual awareness.

We then move to a 33 life path, which I am. Unlike the 22, the 33 is another “as above number” which means there is going to be a spiritual component to their lives. 33’s are master teachers, similar to 11’s, they want to inspire. But 11’s do, 33’s teach. The joke about teachers, those who cant do, teach. Selfless giving is the life of a 33. There is a lot of symbolism with the 33. 33 degrees in freemasonry. 33 sections in the spine. Jesus dies at 33 years old.

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