Storytime: the Deep State Valley Girl Reads You “Covid-19 Meets the Vaccine”!

2 years ago

YOU GUYS, there is a REAL children’s book called “Covid-19 Meets the Vaccine” and in this 100% SATIRICAL piece of PERFORMANCE ART, my alter-ego, the Deep State Valley Girl starts reading it when *all of a sudden* who should call, but Dr Garden Gnome, to discuss vaxx “hesitancy”??

You know why people **really** won’t get the vaxx? The REAL REASON? It’s because they can READ!! Widespread literacy is the PROBLEM! After all, if no one could read, no one could read about the side effects of the vaxx during the animal trials!

And if no one could read the abstracts of those early studies, no one would want (need!) to access any pesky dictionaries lying around in order to piece together the implied meaning of phrases like “antibody dependence enhancement”!!

For thousands of years the masses were controlled by not allowing them to learn how to read, or write, for God’s sake, man! But now that they can, they keep learning and reading more and writing more and sharing more!! And this is why they won’t get the vaxx or the boosters!

THIS IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL HUMANITY’s PROBLEMS — literacy!! Just do what the benevolent people in power tell you what to do and don’t question it! It’s so like, frustrating, when people don’t! OMG! STOP READING ALREADY!!!

As always, there’s a substack post to go with this video:

My tiktok: @DeepStateValleyGirl

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