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Law: Oral Argument Taylor v State

2 years ago

Here is another oral argument and appellate win: Got a new trial on this case - the Taylor case. Also, stands for a very important bit of law that is very useful to our trial folks.
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  • 0/2000
  • Steve, I have some questions. (I was a dental hygienist, not a law person AT ALL) 1. What are the white boxes sitting around the judges? 2. Has the man had his new trial yet? 3. Does he stay in prison while he waits for his new trial? Thank you ☺ I am so glad I found Rekieta and subsequently the rest of you. You seem like a very kind, honest, principled person. And very, very talented.

  • Steve, these are great legal arguments. Thanks for posting. I feel it would be helpful to cut a short introduction for these videos to bring us up to speed on the facts of the case.

  • I appreciate the zeal you demonstrate advocating on behalf of some very bad actors in these cases. Despite this person's monstrous behavior for his children, the state needs to prove things properly in court. How focused are you on the individual in the case versus the general applicability to other situations when you make these appellant arguments?

  • Dealing with these types of cases are really tough. I had a number of them as a legal clerk in the Army during the early '80s. I remember one case where a married guy lured girls into the home using candy and then molested them (couldn't be more stereotypical). He knew the hammer was coming and went AWOL. One Saturday morning I got a call that he was being chased and beaten by a group of men (fathers from the neighborhood). The MPs arrested him and I worked on the pre-trial confinement request (the military doesn't have bail and we wanted the guy locked up). The judge denied our request - a horrible decision. He met pretty much all of the criteria: 1. Seriousness of the offense 2. Accused poses a threat to the community 3. The community poses a threat to the accused 4. Flight risk

  • I gave a superchat to Nick to get people over here... talking about these cases because you really did a great job.

  • Wow Steve, you’re impressive! When I was a pro se litigant in an estate of my Mother, I dealt with only one judge in Surrogate Court (although, my brother used a law firm to wage a war of attrition against me), I can’t imagine presenting an appeals case in front of three judges! A fair trial is due to any person, regardless of the outcome. You’ve done your due diligence and I appreciate that. I learned after the 1.5 years of litigation, along with a scheduling order (scared me to death), you never give up, especially when you’re in the right. The paper work, submissions to the court (objection, interrogatories and document requests, and cc’s to the law firm was enough to drive me batty. (I won by the way and used the Marino vs Marino as one of my authorities, along with failure of my brother’s fiduciary duties, conflict of interest, misappropriation of my Mother’s money etc.) One case..I was emotionally exhausted. I don’t know how attorneys do it. I can’t imagine any person doing this on a regular basis. The amount of time placed into one’s case, the research etc.. Much respect to you.

  • Excellent argument, thanks for fighting for the Florida Man. Seems like if this man could have that prior act brought up in Trial he could be accused by anyone for the rest of his life.

  • Hi Steve! Thanks for uploading these, very interesting. Unrelated, is there a place I can send you a message? Thanks!

  • Steve, these are awesome. More please!

  • These videos are great. If you have more please post them.

  • Did you anywhere give the outcome of these 3 cases?

  • More! More! More!

  • please keep posting these.