Exterior Spatium Interiorem Congo part 1: Aseer The Duke of Tiers

2 years ago

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Exterior Spatium Interiorem Congo
translates to
Outer Space Inner Congo

Before the founding of Kongo, the region it would eventually control was under the sway of several minor kingdoms, according to a tradition recorded in the mid-1580s. It named several former kingdoms, which were included in Kongo: Nsundi, Mpangu and Mbata, along the Inkisi on the east; and Wandu south of them. Then Mpemba in the center, and Soyo and Mbamba on the seacoast south of the Congo River. The ancient Congo also called the deep bush used to stretch form its present location.The Kongo Kingdom is found in present day Northern Angola, Western part of Democratic republic of Congo, Republic of Congo and Southernmost part of Gabon, it was a sovereign kingdom from 1390-1859 with it's Capital in Mbanza-Kongo now Sao Salvador in Angola. Much of the worlds natural resources come form this region. The era of New Imperialism ushered in by the Black nobility of Europa, led to the pile of the So called black Europeans monarchs who were now exiled at Congo. So they worked with the wight proxy government to break the region and colonize its resources. The atrocities committed during this time was despicable. East African Swahili speakers were given 'marked' fezzes, to operate them form their country men. NONE OF THE PEOPLE YOU SEE IN THOSE IMAGES WERE MOORS. That is a lie, they were ALL East Africans, AND BELGIUM BASED BLACKS WHO WERE NOW IN EXILE, AND PASSED THEMSELVES OFF AS CONGOLESE, ALL WHILE STILL MAINTAINING THEIR COLONIAL TIES WITH THEIR FORMER WIGHT SLAVES, WHO WERE NOW ACTING AS THE RULERS ALL BE IT ADMINISTRATIVELY. this treatise explores the almost alien nature of the landscape as well as the melanin Gods they found there. Theses pictures were re discovered at the beginning of last year. She think they are AI or photoshopped. I m still on the fence, however these seem real to me. Enjoy.

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