Induced Native Phage Therapy for the Treatment of Lyme Disease

1 year ago

Phages—or viruses that infect and kill bacteria, yet do not infect human cells—are well-known entities in the scientific community, whose sole purpose is to seek out a very specific population of host bacteria and cause them to replicate more phages, a process that ultimately kills the bactera.

Using Induced Native Phage Therapy, we at the Biologix Center have discovered exactly how to induce or activate the bacteriophages to completely eliminate their host bacteria. The same process appears to work with mycophages (phages that attack mold and fungi), and virophages (phages that attack other viruses) that already reside inside your body and induce them to eliminate, in most cases, all and only the targeted infectious microbe.

New Patients Call: (855) 323-6672

Location: 554 Franklin Rd, Franklin TN 37069

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