Rhema Jan 26, 2023 ❤️ Meaning of the last Supper... Jesus explains Mark 14:17

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/04/20/jesus-erklart-bibelstellen-da-es-abend-war-kam-er-mit-den-zwolfen-markus-1417/
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Scripture Explanations... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXBcyEV0LX-W-iuKppmJmZNFe6hoG-IUy
37 Scripture Explanations from Jesus online... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/37-bible-explanations-from-jesus/
37 Scripture Explanations from Jesus EBook... https://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jesus-explains-Bible-Passages-37-Scripture-Explanations-Jakob-Lorber-PDF.pdf
Revelations of Jesus thru Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/

9. Chapter – Mark 14:17
“And in the evening He comes with the Twelve.”

Scripture Explanations – Jesus’ Interpretation of several different Bible Passages
Written down by Jacob Lorber on the 04.01.1844

Revelations with extensive explanations and interpretations of many important Bible passages by Jesus Himself, which have been difficult to interpret up until now. An important book, especially for those who compare the new revelations with the Bible, to check, if they correspond spiritually and for those who want to understand the bible scriptures better.

1. Now, choose a text again, and we’ll see if it fits our cause!

2. And in the evening He comes with the Twelve.

3. We have the text before us now, and I must make the old remark again, that you still couldn’t find a text, which does not exactly relate to our cause. The present text may not seem to have much in common with our cause outwardly, but this is not the case by any means. Actually it is the opposite, it has the greatest connection to our cause, and if you had not chosen it, I would have chosen it!

4. And in the evening He comes with the Twelve.

5. Who came? – The Lord of Eternity came!

6. When? – In the evening!

7. And whereto did He come? – To the dining room that has been prepared by His disciples!

8. With whom? – With His chosen twelve Apostles!

9. What did he do in the dining room? – He held a supper, at which some got satisfied and some became angry; and likewise the traitor was indicated on the same evening during the supper.

10. The complete picture lies before you here, and you can grab its cause with the hands.

11. What does the evening mean? – It is a semi-light state of the day, in which the light starts to fade away and continues to do so until no sunrays can be discovered anywhere.

12. When does such an evening occur with man? Certainly, by considering it in a spiritual way, namely, when he has read and studied a lot. Reading and studying corresponds to the sun rays shining all day. But as these sun rays in their appearance are natural, so are the rays of reading and studying naturally. But the sun goes down at the end of the day, and the evening sets in and eventually night falls.

13. It is the same with the light of reading and studying; the one who reads and studies, finally gets tired and grumpy, because he was unable to increase his inner light by all his reading and studying, as little as the light of the sun can be multiplied, it remains in its consistent ratio. During summer, it is stronger and during winter, it is weaker, and this always happens in the same increasing and decreasing ratio. In the same way, the morning light is weaker, and it gets stronger towards noonday, and towards the evening, it becomes weaker again.

14. It works just like that with the outer education of man while reading and studying. When he begins to read and study in a well-equipped library, this is his morning in regard to his reading and studying.

15. When his eyes hurt from reading throughout several years, and he believes to have consumed the entire wisdom of Salomo, he has reached his noonday or summer.

16. He then continues to read and study, but unfortunately, he will find nothing new anymore, but rather he only comes across ideas, that are already known to him. By that, he will get tired, because he cannot find any new and refreshing food, and he will not find any more proof for his absorbed theories, but more often then not, he will find the hugest rebuttals for all that, which he has internalized with such a great zeal and effort.


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