WHAT IS HOMEOSTASIS?| With Dr. Isaiah Crevier.

1 year ago

This videos aim is to give you a basic understanding of what homeostasis is and how it effects the human body on a regular basis.

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Homeo,' Latinized from the Greek word 'homio,' means 'similar to,' and when combined with the Greek word 'stasis,' meaning 'standing still' gives us the term that is a cornerstone of physiology. In brief, the body's many functions, beginning at the cellular level, must operate and not deviate from a narrow range of internal balance, a state known as dynamic equilibrium, despite changes in the external environment. Those changes in the external environment could affect the composition of the extracellular fluid surrounding the individual cells of the body, but a narrow range must be maintained to stave off the death of cells, tissues, and organs.

Homeostasis is a term that was first coined by physiologist Walter Cannon in 1926, clarifying the words "internal environment" that fellow physiologist Claude Bernard had spoken of ­­in 1865. Another one was Carl Richter, who proposed that behavioral responses were also responsible for maintaining homeostasis in addition to the previously proposed internal control system, and James Hardy gave us the concept of a setpoint or desired physiological range of values that homeostasis accomplishes.

Link- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559138/

Libretti S, Puckett Y. Physiology, Homeostasis. 2022 May 8. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan–. PMID: 32644564.

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