“Know when to move friends to acquaintances. How you can know it’s time to let go of old friends.”

1 year ago

“When you can know it’s time to let go of old friends.”

“Know when to move friends to acquaintances.”

It’s time for you to get good at doing it often.

You ever feel like you don’t have any good friends?

Ever feel like the “friends” you do have, are emotionally draining and they keep pulling you down?

You ever feel like you have “friends,” but they rarely call you or text?

And it’s you who’s the one who usually contacts them or else you’d probably wouldn’t hear from them?

Do you have “friends” like that?

You know their excuses…

“Ahh, sorry…I’ve just been SO crazy busy.”

Yeah, right.


And if and when they do decide to get in touch with you, there’s such a superficial connection.

It almost feels “fake” and “pretend” and makes you wonder…

“Why am I still calling them ‘friends’?”

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, then I’ve got a great way for you to know who to keep and who to let go of.

Let me tell you about it…

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