230125 1 The Start Zamir Does a 5 Communication Spaces Map

2 years ago

After a deep consultation about the state of Captain Sweep's weather situation to which Sweep is very thankful, Zamir goes straight to the heart of the matter and that is that he can't do all he wants to do in life without the assistance of the INFLOWWWWWW MATRIXXXXXXX.

Sweep handles this with a poise not shown before and after a bit of philosophizing they head into the first exercise for every process, the 5 Communication Spaces Map.

Somewhat magically Zamir's 5 Major projects fit perfectly in the 5 Communication Spaces Map. The Mystic Yogi (Personal Space) (Service Field), Presence to Pattern (1 on 1 Space)(Business Field) , The Gift Academy (Group Space) (Business Field), and The Shamballa Game (Community Space)(Service Field) and his personal Spiritual practice (Sacred Space) (Intimate Field).

There are certain characters who have a earned a place in the Very Secret Plan, that will always be a big part of the plan. With Zamir it is his sincerity of heart towards what is good in the world. He is aimed at solutions and he has worked diligently to bring his own work into the world. Very gifted in many arenas, effecting larger cultural change is at the heart of his Dharma.

When working at a high creative level it is necessary to have the right mental structures to organize all your projects and information well enough to really bring them into completion. Sweep agrees to meet 1 hr per week with Zamir to share tools that will assist Zamir with handling his creative outputs.

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