Bridging Broken To Breakthrough// S3E5// Joy In The Hard Reset //Hope Will Arise

1 year ago

Have you ever had your phone turn into a useless paperweight? Even though we are connecting today through Technology it sometimes ties us to the past and doesn’t allow us to focus on the present. It keeps us from being a part of the world around us engaging in loving the people physically living with us. Technology reminds us of what we long to have, but don’t.

Frankly, sometimes we need to take down the pictures and put certain things away so we can grieve and heal from the pain of loosing them. Sometimes we need a hard reset or bricked cellphone to force us into removing all pain-filled ties to the past.

A clean slate is good.

This episode first aired on Sat Feb 2, 2023 from information previously published on my website Hope Will Arise.

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