Choosing the boundaries of your home-it's a case of Freedom

1 year ago

In 2019, The Good People of West Villages, Sarasota County, Florida, decided to contract out of the City of North Port due to massive irresponsible spending and enormous tax increases - over 31% in one year. West Villages is the more upscale population in the city yet is detached from the landmass by a consequential amount as well as major waterway. The overspenders on the dais decided against allowing West Villagers to vote on whether to "deannex" from the city as the overspenders would lose all the free money from the Cash Cow of West Villages. Being a new government, North Port was founded in late November 2016, with a new Constitution in 2018, and the new electeds were trained and worked under the new practice of chaos, unlawful activities and self-indulgent marathon meetings instead of traditional government and accountable spending. The case against the City by the West Villagers 4 Responsible Government continues as the city electeds cannot work without the substantial monies derived from the Cash Cow. The city attorney continues lobbing legalities at the West Villagers in order to continue to receive double, triple and quadruple annual raises. At some point when the cases the taxpayers are paying for conclude, taxpayers will be forced to reimburse West Villagers enormous sums of money for the wrongs the electeds and city attorney are causing on the Good People. Today I present a piece I put together to help voters in North Port understand that deannexation will not be voted on by them as they were not the ones being wronged. That the people of the city should vote for the candidate who would represent a Strong and Staid government for EVERYONE. That candidate was Victor Dobrin.

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