American Reckoning Ep. 4 - Secession Part 2

2 years ago

Secession is an important element of a free American society. When something becomes abusive and corrupt, or tyrannical, you have the right to leave that situation. Period. It was from the beginning and is today, yet that is not what the modern American establishment, media/historians, and those in power in the corrupt US government want in the public mind. In this podcast on Secession, expanding on part 1, Abe Lincoln and Robert E. Lee are compared on character and integrity to give insight on the stark difference between the northern and southern states and cultures, which are personified in these two men. Despite the Yankee army finally outlasting Lee's army on the battlefield, secession as a principal, outlined in the declaration of independence, is still a strong check on government tyranny and should be studied by all Americans. We also discuss the words of John C. Calhoun, a giant on states' rights and free society who provides one of the most accurate and compelling cases for the concept of secession for a free people, as compared to the distorted and manipulated lies Lincoln used in his speeches and actions during the war. Lincoln was wrong, but the consequence of the war has led to the massive corruption and removal of any rights we free people have today. Most Americans are now owned by the "federal" government, no longer truly federal in nature anymore. The condition we find ourselves will lead to an American Reckoning.

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