You Can't See High Insulin on the Outside, but it Can be Silently Damaging Your Health. #shorts

1 year ago

You can't see high insulin on the outside, but it can be silently damaging your health. Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes may affect you or someone you love without you even knowing it. Don't wait for the symptoms to appear! It's important to learn how to detect and manage high insulin levels before your doctor gives you the life-changing diagnosis of a serious metabolic disease. Remember, just managing high insulin symptoms will not help you fix the problem.

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🤯Berberine-How My Husband Dropped His Morning Blood Sugar by 20 Points

📖“Why We Get Sick” by Dr. Benjamin Bikman- A leading authority on all things metabolism and insulin resistance.

📖The book that changed my entire life: “The Obesity Code” by Dr. Jason Fung. First, you’ll get angry then you’ll get busy changing your life.

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