The Kimberly Cloud Show: Where is the Full Service to Diamond?

1 year ago

Join me while I talk about Diamond and the Truth about her funeral. Donald Trump did not ignore her funeral. He placed a video of him scheduling a service then he created an CBN commentary for her. Then he spoke at her funeral, and Patiently waited while they set him up for failure. Funeral or not I would have been mad if I was the speaker at the funeral and waited for three hours when it wasn't planned like they did it. How would you feel if you were told that you would be able to speak at someone special funeral and you made PLANS for the exact way it was done and then they keep you sitting for a whole three hours?
Now it looks like he was mocking Diamond (which he was not), He knows that there were pictures of him and silk together at the White House. So why did he turn his head to the right, after stating that he did know who silk was? Who was he looking at when he said that statement? Some of the main stream media took this left field antifa on youtube. What's worst try to look up the whole funeral? Trump cannot support the whole funeral being uploaded by main stream media. They were the one who focused on him and not Diamond. They made it all about Trump. Lets face it who does good at a funeral talking about a loved one who was apart of their spirit? How would you start the conversation? Crying? Then they would have said that he was depressed or had an affair with Trump. They are taking all of our good black people away and im a conspiracy theorist and I believe someone possibly poisoned her. Everybody will dismiss that she is heavy, and had heart disease. I think it's best if you elite people look into the death of Diamond. Just like a game of clue, who did it?

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