Dropshipping on Facebook Marketplace - Easiest 100K You’ll Ever Make

2 years ago

6 reasons you haven't hit 6 figures on facebook marketplace...

If you’ve been selling on Facebook for a little while, you already understand just how big of an opportunity it is.

Facebook has data on everyone and can suggest your products to the right people.

They have almost 3 billion active users (which is almost half of the world…..which is crazy)……and that means your products have the opportunity to be put in front of people where they already are.

And the competition on the platform hasn’t reached even close to the level it is on a site like Amazon or eBay for example

Which means higher margins and less saturated products.

So with all that opportunity, why do some people still struggle?

Today we’re going to cover 6 reasons you haven’t hit 6 figures on Facebook marketplace yet

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The first reason is one that’s super annoying and that’s random suspensions

See, companies like Facebook are fanatical about protecting their users and so at any sign of potential abuse, they’ll shut you down.

This can be super annoying as a new seller and turn many off. I’ve personally been suspended about 30 times (no joke)

The key is to understand this is part of selling on such a new platform and it’s their AI doing the suspending

Most likely something you uploaded was flagged by the algorithm….or you have an unhappy customer that reported you.

Rather than chance it, they just suspend your account to be safe.

This actually used to be a much bigger problem a few months ago (resulting in suspensions up to weeks for some people), but now they’ve gotten a lot better at reversing these wrongful suspensions.

Now if one of my accounts gets suspended, it’s typically back up in just a few hours

You have to accept that this is just part of selling on a new marketplace that’s still ironing out all the kinks.

They still have lots of bugs on the platform, but it’s getting a lot better and they’re constantly improving everything.

The second reason is you don’t have enough good products.

This is simple and really doesn’t need much explanation.

If you don’t have a lot of good products up, you won’t make lots of sales.

Too many people try to over complicate it and think there’s some special trick they aren’t aware of….but really it comes down to just 2 things (how good your products are and how many products you’re listing consistently).

The next reason you might struggle to hit 6 figures is because you’re still solely relying on just Facebook marketplace and you haven’t made the move over to a shop yet.

Don’t get me wrong, you can BIG numbers just on personal marketplace alone ( I still di myself)….but there’s so many benefits to selling from a shop that personal marketplace just doesn’t have.

Currently marketplace doesn’t connect to everyone’s shops, they’re still slowly releasing the feature to people in bunches……but it should be fully out by mid 2022 to everyone.

And even if you don’t have access yet, you will very soon……which means you should still start a shop and learn how to use it.

That way when you do get marketplace enabled on yours, you can scale very quickly.

The 4th reason is one that is tough to avoid and that’s that you’re listening to bad advice.

In todays online world everyone’s a self proclaimed expert.

There’s lots and lots of money in teaching things, creating content, and selling information products around businesses like this that lots of people are “teaching” how to do it.

You have to be more vigilant than ever when vetting people you’re getting advice from

Make sure they’re actually doing what they’re teaching you about…..and more importantly make sure they’re getting the results you want.

Always be skeptical and think for yourself. Don’t just blindly follow or listen to someone even if they might seem successful or like they know what they’re talking about

That said, there are a lot of people that do give great advice and that advice will actually help you. So just make sure you’re getting advice from the right people.

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