Gavin Newsom Thinks Gun Owners With More Than 10 Rounds in A "Clip" Are "Perpetuating Lunacy"

1 year ago

Gavin Newsome Perpetuating Lunacy

In the wake of the recent mass shooting in Monterey Park, California Governor Gavin Newsom has spoken out against the use of standard capacity magazines that he referred to as "large capacity clips".

He claimed that they "perpetuate lunacy" and that there is no justification for their use.

He also incorrectly emphasized that mass shootings in the United States are a unique problem that does not exist in other parts of the world.

California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, including a red flag law, universal background checks, an "assault weapons" ban, firearm registration requirements, a limit on the number of guns a law-abiding citizen can buy each month, a ban on campus carry for self-defense, a ban on teachers being armed on K-12 campuses for classroom defense, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, restrictions on firearm sales advertising, background checks for ammunition purchases, and a requirement that all ammunition be purchased from state-approved, in-state ammunition vendors.

Despite these laws, the state has still seen multiple mass shootings in recent years, which really perpetuates lunacy the effectiveness of these gun control measures.

It is worth noting that the term "large capacity clips" is unclear what exactly it refers to.

Some people interpret it as a magazine which can hold more than 10 rounds some 8, some probably more than 1.

He also referred to the 2nd amendment as a dangerous pact.

Regardless of what he says, AR-15s are protected by the 2nd amendment:

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