We're a City on its Knees - Steve Fry Endorsement

1 year ago

"There is a groundswell of prayer going on in this nation, and Jeff Richfield's song, "We're A City On Its Knees" captures the passion and the hope that millions have for the restoration of America. At a time when our country is being weighed in the balance, we need to hear, once again, the message of a God who loves, who cares, and
who is powerful enough to answer prayer! Download this song to show support and share it with all you can !"

Steve Fry, Lead Pastor of The Gate, President Messenger Fellowship -

Download this song here: http://www.cdfreedom.com/artists/myci... Download for .99 cents in support of the Nashville House of Prayer!

This song was written nine months before 9/11 on the backwoods of my property while I was seeking the Lord. Later that year in May of 2001 we were invited to play it live for the National Day of Prayer in Washington D.C., at our nations capital just months before 9/11/01. I remember as we began singing at sunset it began to rain as a rainbow appeared over the horizon. The leader of the event said over the mic, "Look, the Lord loves this song!" It was a beautiful scene, a memory that I will never forget!

Later that year as I witnessed the tragic events that took place at ground zero I wept, and heard this in my spirit, "A city brought to its knees, gives opportunity for "sudden apprehension by God."

It is a moment etched in the collective consciousness. And for most people, when they close their eyes and concentrate they can recall moment-by-moment where they were when they first heard about the September 11th attacks in New York City in 2001. It was beyond anyone's worst nightmare. Over 3,000 innocent people were swept away from a barbaric act of terror. Some had no choice but to jump from fire, while others were brutally crushed by the falling iron. Families lost loved ones, and their lives are now memorialized etched in stone and in our hearts forever.

And the Lord was there, in the midst of them...

"We're a City on its Knees" is more then a song, it's a movement of prayer and of action. PRAY THE PRAY AT THE END AND PASS IT ON...AND ON...AND ON...

A citywide prayer movement that contends day and night for a nation in crisis.


Please help us promote this song as a Theme Song for this years events in NYC to help heal the wounds of 9/11. All we desire is to offer hope to hurting people and healing to the land as this song is in the heartbeat of II Chronicles 7:14..."we are Your people, who are called by Your name."

Every one who participated in production, walked into the room with their hearts completely open to coming together to help the people of 9/11 and those affected by citywide devastations. Please embed this video in your Facebook and website and send this plea out to those who may want to help us get this Music and Video Memorial to those who are planning 9/11 and prayer events at a city or national level. Thank you for your prayers and needed financial support to complete this Memorial video.

Be a HERO by remembering our fallen HEROES:
Download the song for .99 cents here to help us build Nashville's House of Prayer & Justice. Pray for us to have 1 million people download for .99 cents.

Thank you for your support and may God Bless America!

From President Obama: "We must renew the true spirit of that day, not the human capacity for evil, but the human capacity for good. Not the desire to destroy, but the impulse to save."

From George W. Bush:
"Let us now seek that assurance in prayer for the healing of our grief stricken hearts, for the souls and sacred memory of those who have been lost. Let us also pray for divine wisdom as our leaders consider the necessary actions for national security, wisdom of the grace of God that as we act, we not become the evil we deplore."

From the Word of God:
"Oh Lord, Thou has heard the desire of the humble to vindicate the oppressed; that man who is of the earth may cause terror no more." Psalm 10:17-18

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