From Fishermen To Fishers Of Men | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 17, 2023

1 year ago

From Fishermen To Fishers Of Men | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 17, 2023

And He said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19

When we consider the disciples and their call to follow Christ, we may wonder how they simply left everything to follow Him. What were their personal reasons? At this initial point, what did they believe about Jesus? We may not have an easy answer to those questions but the call to leave one way of life in exchange for another extends to all of us. Everyone in Christ has a “fishermen” trade in which they work skillfully. But it’s the heart Christ is after and in the process of following Him, we leave behind one way of life for another — a greater one.

When we answer the call of “Follow me,” we are opening the door to be used when, where, and how as Christ deems necessary. The disciples had no clue what the next 3 years of their lives would look like. Similarly, we have no idea when we surrender our lives to Jesus. We only have a promise that He will use us for a purpose that is greater than ourselves. “I will make you fishers of men.” It’s His work and His process. Amazingly, we get to partner with the Creator of the world to tell others about Him. The change from fishermen to fishers of men is always worth it!

Question for today: How did I respond to Christ’s initial call upon my life?

Pray: Thank You Lord for the opportunity to serve and partner with You.

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