NATO About To Fall, Resurrection Trump Closer Than Ever, Turkey Russia And China in the winning league

1 year ago

Martin Vrijland: Ever since December 30, 2021, I have been predicting that American hegemony over the world is going to end. The West must be skillfully dismantled to temporarily install a new system of larger power blocs, in which some regions can become independent countries again (think Scotland, Northern Ireland, Catalonia, and so on), but in fact still come under a new kind of Union. Not the European Union. That, like NATO, will disintegrate. All this planned.

In that prediction, I also foresaw the fall of the dollar and the growth of Bitcoin. Although that Bitcoin now seems to be driven out by the CBDC (the Central Bank Digital Currency) and by legislation, that CBDC too will be pulled along in the fall of the supposed deepstate. That fall of the supposed deepstate is nothing more than the fall of the sham deepstate. The real deepstate is the one in which the sham deepstate (the cleared pedophile networks and the royal houses) gives way to the desired power blocs, which will be perceived by the people as redemption because they have unmasked the pedophile networks and the vaccine as a bioweapon.

As explained earlier, the great expose PsyOp of the pedophile networks will be brought out by Turkish President Erdogan. After he has done this and involvement of Joe Biden becomes incontrovertibly visible, Trump may quickly seize power in the US after elements in the military, FBI and CIA side with him. This will take some time, and in the meantime, Joe Biden will presumably flee to Brazil. There he thinks he will be safe under the wings of Lula da Silva, but if he too turns out to be involved in the networks, a coup of sorts will take place there as well, and Bolsonaro may regain power with the support of the military and the people.

In detecting the pedophile networks, vaccines have played a role. The story will be that people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci were aware that the so-called mRNA vaccine was developed as a bioweapon. It would have involved graphene oxide in the vaccines. Graphene oxide can cross the blood-brain barrier, forming an intricate neurological biosensor network in those injected. This makes it possible to read minds from the cloud. Trump will declare that he approved the bioweapon because he wanted to use the weapon against its developers. He will also declare that he did so in cooperation with China, Russia and Turkey.

Through this bioweapon, they have gained an accurate picture of pedophile networks. Even those who did not receive the Brain Computer Interface through the vaccine have come into view, because of contact tracing and big data. Elon Musk will be put down as a hero, because of the Internet connectivity of his Starlink satellites, which were necessary to accomplish all this on an independent network.

Major scandals will also come out about Ukraine. The link between Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, Sam Bankman-Fried and the biolabs will possibly surface. And this again will have to do with the pedophile networks. Zelensky will probably not be in place for long, and with the breakup of NATO, the staged war in Ukraine will end soon, with Russia, Poland and Turkey splitting the country. That war is staged because it is part of the great PsyOp game toward the new big power blocs, with parts of the deepstate being sacrificed for the stage.

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