Truth be Told: London 21st January 2023 - Part 14: Downing Street

1 year ago

It was a bit surreal to have a pro Ukraine protest going on at the same time as people were throwing white roses at the gates of Downing Street. The man at the end seemed to be suggesting that all the people who organised this Truth be Told event were really working for the government, partly on the basis that white lettering on a black background was used, and he'd been doing that "for months", so they were just copying him. To me that seems to be a strange way of determining who is and isn't "really" on your side, and I beg to differ with his point of view. Tim of Fair Play Now expresses it very well here:
Controlled Opposition?

Rebel News Media confront Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer at Davos:

The month of January 2023 is dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the vaccine injured and bereaved. London is the fifth event held in their honour and to give them a voice.

The rest of the events are as follows:
31st January 2023: Manchester
It is possible that more events will be added in the near future.

For more information see:

"CoviLeaks; based in the UK and Founded by Fiona Hine in June 2020, was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 'pandemic'."

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion:

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