Are You Living a Powerful Story - The Heros Journey

2 years ago

Are you living the Hero's Journey and if not, why not?

We often tell ourselves stories that keep us stuck in the current situation. For years I believed things that never helped me grow but when I got past the trauma I felt, rescued that inner child within, I was able to create a more empowered story to live.

It begins with recognition - seeing where you've been and the pain you've been through.

Fully feeling your emotions.

Once felt, the emotions dissipate and you as an adult can create from a place of abundance.

It also requires removing the programs and manipulation you've been indoctrinated with since childhood.

This is where I come - Self Sabotage!

I help you see those patterns clearly, remove the programming and place new empowered programming in it's place so you can get OFF the self sabotage roller coaster.

Religion - full of programming that you're a "good for nothing sinner".

Family - designed to keep the structure safe in it's current place.

Money - You'll never have enough!

Relationships - I'm not lovable.

These messages are embedded in us from repetitive programming and you'll never change until you remove the messages and begin programming yourself with success and abundance.

The good news is it's easier than you may think.

📲 DM me “FREEDOM” for my book, Epic Life - 6 easy steps to get what you want without sacrificing your soul.

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