My Dream "Cooler" A Battery Powered Refrigerator or Freezer - New JP50 Pro From ICECO

2 years ago

You can see it here - ICECO makes a lot of nice electric refrigerator/Freezers and this model happens to be one that is going to be crowdfunded.

I am not a fan of crowdfunding for a project like this, but I do understand you have to do what works for marketing purposes and there is a lot of money to be made from a good promotion. This portable refrigerator has been on my bucket list and when I was able to get my hands on an early model, I jumped at the chance.

IMHO, this is much better than trying to buy ice every time you want to go somewhere with a cold beverage and when compared to high-end coolers, the price is not too bad. I really enjoy this cooler and hope that it will last many, many years.

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