Episode 103 - Abiding Conversations with Kim McIntire Pt. 2

2 years ago

St. Augustine once said, "Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of God's thirst with ours. God thirsts that we may thirst for him."

One place we all as Christians fall short many times, is our direct communication with God in our life. Many a Christian has neglected their prayer life because it was too "complicated" or "not very easy to concentrate" when trying to pray.

There are many other excuses we can all use to justify why we don't spend the time we need on our knees having intimate conversations with our Lord. But in all reality, God hungers for that relationship with us and cherishes every moment we cry out to him whether in pain or praise. He wants to hear us speak to him the deepest desires of our hearts. It's true that he knows everything about us including our thoughts, but he wants to hear it from our own lips.

We finish the interview with Kim McIntire this week as we continue to talk about prayer and how we can easily intertwine it into our Bible study and devotion time. Join us now as we sit down with Kim and finish our discussion on Abiding Conversations.

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"Do not make prayer a monologue...make it a conversation."

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