Communisms push in Amerca

1 year ago

"Color, Communism and Common Sense"
by Manning Johnson

This a message from a former member of the U.S. Communist Party and author of "Color, Communism, and Common Sense."
From the LP, the back cover
Has the NAACP helped the American Negro, or hindered him? Whose assignment is it to downgrade a Negro community into a “ghetto,” and to see that it remains a “ghetto”? What did the U.S. Supreme Court do to the lives of more than 130,000 qualified Negro teachers in the South? What did the Communists do, in 1928, to insure today’s “civil rights” insurrection? Who really started church segregation in the South?

These and many other provocative questions are superbly answered in this probing and abundantly documented speech by a God-serving and patriotic American Negro who was enticed into Communism with Utopian promises, who worked his way up to the high echelons of the conspiracy, then suddenly and dramatically saw through the blandishments. That was the day Manning Johnson faced the jolting realization that he was being used as an activist in the plot to destroy his native land.

#IdeologicalSubversion - #YuriBezmenov
1984 KGB Defector - Russian Black Ops

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