A Way The Devil Got People To Believe He Doesn't Exist #shorts

1 year ago

A lie does not exist, because a lie is not real and is a perversion of the truth which is real and does exist. It is just like if we look up at the sky and see that the sky is blue and so we say that the sky is blue, that would be telling the truth as the sky which is blue exists as blue at that time; but if we were to look at the blue sky and call it purple that would be a lie and a purple sky does not exist in reality because in reality the sky is blue and a purple sky would not exist.

This is the same as the lie that the devil is a lie, which when believed would cause people to believe that the devil does not exist since a lie does not exist and is not reality or the truth and when this happens then the devil is able to tempt and destroy people who would be believing in his lies and continue to go undetected in the process of someone being blind to his existence.

The devil lis not a lie, but is the father of lies as Jesus lets us know. There is a difference because since the devil is the father of lies Jesus is not only showing us where the source of lies comes from but also let's us know that the devil exists and all lies and of this world comes from the devil as its source and only coming from him, for Jesus says that the truth is not in the devil and when he speaks he speaks of nothing but lies. Jesus who is the Truth and who loves us warns us about the devil and his deception and sneaky method of one of the ways that he gets people to believe that he does not exist but remember all the devil does is lie.

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