best way to protest: stop staring at your phone (oh wait...)

1 year ago

jerry garcia was writing about his drug use, obviously he's jerry garcia
no such thing as a friend of the devil, jerry
the devil cannot be loyal but Christ is loyal to God's Will
demonic spirits working for the devil
the whole purpose is deception
once we believe satan's lies he is done w/ us
God will prove time and time again that faith is not the wrong choice
pharmies, indoctrination centers, how'd i forget the media
God won't protect you cos you made the choice to reject Him and mock Him
such a sad fact for them but at the same time...
identity to puff people up/bring em down
yes my bag just dropped to the floor of the car (shitty ass driver)
identity doesn't matter when one can just lie or exaggerate
re-direct conversations back to God
going thru that red light, fuck yawl lame-ohs
everything is just so silly, man
even back when i was a liberal, i thought all that identity politics crap was totally ridiculous
the serpent goes after women since we're so weak which makes us easily susceptible to being fooled
male feminists encouraging women to kill our babies
i wrote this down on a little white board so that i would remember all of it
the only power satan has is convincing us to make the wrong choice
asking permission for the evil spirits to enter some pigs...the devil ain't shit, really
the evil is prevalent but that just means that God is even more of a force to be reckoned w/
poor thang wearing a dress at dull foods, we wish we coulda done more for him but that mf was staring me down
people are ugly to me all the time haha
that dude was obviously possessed
i didn't call him a faggot or anything
not possessed by the devil himself
these "people" can't wait to be devoured and be a host body for some demon
no foundation in God means that the devil will go to work on you
once your mind is closed to the idea of good n evil you're toast
if you dunno what's truly good then you won't recognize the bad
our job on this shit planet: raise consciousness
the hardest job esp now thanks a lot Lord
watch my channel a little more and pay attention to what's happening around you in a public place
the ag experience experiment
bad acid trip: not having your phone in public place
easy to deny w/ a portable tv
protest rallies don't accomplish anything
those caught in the crossfire vs. goons and useful idiots working for soros
riled up on cnn OR fox news
idealistically you'd be ag hahahaha
everyone could spend a little less time on their phone and do shit for actual people who are actually in front of them
go to church if you feel like it
smile at someone and make eye contact
not a people person and i can still do this
society wouldn't be so dependent on technology if they weren't knee deep in an existential crisis
giving into products exacerbating exist. crisis
thru the airwaves hahaha i am still so nineties
all of these things are so futile
their whole life revolves around stupid yt vids and mindless banter on social networks
remember the bad things and use them for good, words of wisdom from peanut butter church
the two-fer church billboard B-sides are the best
i sound just like bill burr, love it
if you agree w/ me apply it
they always look directly at me whenever they do either a racist or misogynistic joke hahaha
my world view has not budged
i really believe what i'm saying mainly cos of God
the Bible has been used for ominous purposes
metaphorical vs. eternal truth
radical transformation via Jesus Christ
...and they probably watch cnn
not much of an argument considering how much of a $ grab everything is
intellectualism is stupid
actual Christians here
no one ever cared for me like Jesus so true!
these solutions don't seem to work for very long
other pills to help the original pills do what we're told they're supposed to do
Jesus died so you don't need pills+500plus channels
chasing whatever God gave you that makes you unique
you wouldn't have any time to watch tv if you were doin what you're supposed to do
you can't understand how many options you truly have whilst being possessed whether it's by alcohol/drugs/materialism
wasting away on yer phone vs. all the other stuff you could be doing
if you didn't have this constant distraction to fall back on...
so grateful to be able to create every single day
artistically pivot my way outta this fuckery every day all day
back to original point: choice

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